Heres a before and after on one if the real bad spots....


Also, bus wouldnt start yesterday, got some help on some online message boards and assumed it was a battery issue.... Took out batteries and took them to Autozone to have them tested, they were low on charge so I had them charge them (free). Started great after the charge! Also ran the bus for 45 min or so after I got it started today on fast idle, then took out the batteries and will store them indoor for the winter..... Heres a shot of the battery cknfig, just so I know in spring :)
Also, for winterizing - we backed the bus onto some plywood boards that we cut to the right size from the inside.
And, lastly, one of the next tasks on the to-do is seeing about taking out and disabling the back heater. From what I understand it is just anti-freeze that runs through the coils and then electrical for the 2 fans underneath. Seems like it will be a two step process.... Step one, stopping and collecting any anti-freeze from the lines and plugging the end somewhere. And step two disabling the electrical for starting the heater- perhaps just taking out any fuse and switch. I have no idea how to do either of these steps as of now... So if you have any advise or knowledge on this type of thing, please contact me or comment! Here's some shots of the heater and tubes. Thanks! ...more to come soon...
And here's where it connects to the driver area, right behind the driver seat.
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